Local road improvements


Road work perhaps doesn’t happen fast enough in any municipality (at least according to local residents of said municipalities), but it’s nice to see improvements being made to the roads in our communities firsthand.

Sections of Lough Road and Bridge Street in South Mountain were repaired early last week. In recent years, several roads in the former Mountain Township area were fully repaved, including Clark Road, Development Road, and a section of Cameron Road. Belmeade Road and Marionville Road, both north of the Winchester / Chesterville area, have also been paved in recent memory.

While the Township certainly deserves a pat on the back for the attention it pays to some local roads, residents may argue that a better system of prioritization is needed. Earlier this year, there were serious concerns about the condition of Thompson Road, north of Chesterville, where it was reported that motorists were driving on the shoulder to avoid potholes.

Road work is typically a multi-million dollar commitment, and with two arenas, two pools, many parks and public spaces, aging infrastructure, and a relatively small tax base, North Dundas Council has been struggling to find the money for long overdue projects since it was elected.

As with all problems, progress is good to see.