Letter to the Editor – Newspapers


Dear Brandon,

I was compelled to response by your incredibly well written and thoroughly relatable editorial from the September 22 NG & ND times. Thank you so much for a very enjoyable and thought provoking read.

I’ve often thought all of those same things! How writers and  futurists that created science fiction back in the day gave us future humans so much credit for being far more advanced than we have been able to keep up with!  (while still keeping women in the lesser roles??) Except of course Star Trek which inspired cell phones, tasers and equality and diversity in the work place.

And the newspaper! The love of the newspaper. Friends and I were just discussing this recently. My husband has the record store Vinyl Destination in Merrickville and he had an email sent to him from a reporter from the Toronto Star who gave him an advance view of an article that was to be printed in the Saturday edition about their visit to the Village that his store was mentioned in.

We reached out to friends in Toronto to see if they could find a hard copy of the newspaper for him, and one friend went to seven stores until he was able to find a newspaper!  He lamented that no one carries them anymore. We reminisced how when we were school kids in the 1960s, we looked forward to coming home at the end of the school day and opening up not one but two separate newspapers that our family got delivered to the door; the morning Montreal Gazette and the evening Montreal Star. They had you covered, no matter what happened in the city, we’d find out, eventually.

It seems every generation has to reinvent itself as we continue to strive for the better, the quicker, the faster than what came before. It always has me thinking (never mind the potential of how the next inevitable world war will be fought – simply remove all the technology and people would certainly be at a loss since we rely on it now for virtually everything) of what skills, craftsmanship and creativity we are sacrificing and leaving behind to history with this constant need to ‘improve’ .

Anyway my real intent was just to say thank you for that AND many other articles of yours that I have enjoyed reading since you started writing for our local paper!

I think you just keep getting better and better! 
