Heartfelt thanks!


Sharon Monteith has a big heart and decided to raise funds for the WDMH Foundation during Heart Month in February. Happily, many others opened their hearts too!

Sharon owns Up the Creek Glass Studio and sold hand-crafted glass heart suncatchers throughout the month. All proceeds were donated to the WDMH Foundation, resulting in $4,030 for the General Equipment Fund.

Sharon Monteith presents a cheque for $4,030 outside the WDMH Foundation office.

Sharon works at WDMH and says that she was heartened (pun intended!) by the positive response to her art. “Thank you to everyone who purchased a heart and to retired colleagues Reta Lalonde and Joan Merkley for helping with the sales.”

“This was a fun event and we loved having a basket of hearts in our office for donors to choose from when they stopped by to purchase one,” says Justine Plummer, Manager of Direct Mail and Events. “To help ensure that WDMH has the right tools to provide excellent health care for our patients, we work with donors to raise the needed funds. People like Sharon – and everyone who purchased a heart – are truly making an impact. Thank you!”

To chat about fundraising events for WDMH, please contact Justine Plummer at 613-774-2422 ext. 6172 or jplummer@wdmh.on.ca. To chat about fundraising events for Dundas Manor, please contact Cindy Ault Peters at 343-572-6345 or cpeters@wdmh.on.ca.