Fire destroys barn in Chesterville

A photo taken from County Road 9 shows the barn fire in progress on February 8. Photo by Kayla O’Neil

A fire has destroyed a barn at a local farm just outside of Chesterville. On the morning of February 8, local fire departments were called to assist at the farm in the area of County Road 9, west of County Road 7. Pictures taken from the road show that the barn was totally engulfed in flames. Luckily, no one was hurt in the fire, and all of the livestock was saved as well. 

Robert Smith is the owner of the farm that suffered the fire. He is eager to extend his thanks not only to all of the firefighters that came to help on the day of the fire, but also to all of the neighbours that came to help and even bring food donations to provide some comfort on a day of tragedy. The gestures made Robert and his family feel supported, and really drove home for him the benefits of living in a great small town. Neighbours don’t have to bring food or provide help in times of need, after all, but his neighbours did it anyway. 

The response from the fire department was strong as well. Robert estimates that about 40 local firefighters responded to the call, and he believes that four different fire stations were on the scene. The fire department responded to the initial fire call within minutes. 

When tragedy strikes, it can be hard to move on. It is fortunate that no one was hurt in the fire on February 8, and Robert is thankful for that silver lining. “I would like to thank the fire department and the neighbours for all their help,” he said. “I think that is as important as anything.”

Fire safety remains as important as ever. Knowing what to do when a fire happens can be critical in saving lives and minimizing property damage. The most important thing to do during a fire is to get out safely and quickly, and help children and those with mobility issues escape as well, if it is safe to do so. From there, it’s important to step back and let the fire department do its job. Never hesitate to call 9-1-1 to report a fire emergency. Thanks to firefighters for all that you do.