Dundas Dairy 4-H Club report


by Kaylee Daines

On Monday May 20, Dundas Dairy 4-H Club held its second meeting at the Schuler’s farm from 7:00 to 9:00 PM. We started the meeting with our pledge, and then the Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting and did roll call with a question asking “Have you picked your calf?” Then leader Kelly listed all the shows we can attend this year and discussed a little about them; we also discussed team selections for Metcalfe and the Royal. Taylor M the gave tips and tricks on halter breaking and how to get your calf used to you. 

Our guest speaker was Alex Chabot, who talked to us about washing, dealing with ringworm, and clipping. We then moved into the barn where she talked about sire selection. We received a handout with the parts of a cow and went over some parts as a club. After that we were split into four groups, each with a leader and we talked about selecting bulls that could improve certain traits on our subject cow. Near the end of the meeting, we rotated as groups to each leader where they told us about their 4-H experiences. We ended our meeting by thanking our guest speaker and host, and enjoyed a snack of ice cream sticks and chips.