Dundas 4-H Dairy Club Press Report


by Kaylee Daines

On Saturday, April 13, Dundas County 4-H Dairy Club had their first dairy club meeting of the year at the Nelson Laprade center in Chesterville from 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm. We started the meeting off by introducing ourselves to everyone and then wrote down our goal for 4-H this year. Then we did an ice breaker game where we asked each other a whole bunch of different questions that were on a card that we were given. From there, we proceeded on to elections. Taylor M. was elected President, Ethan V. was elected Vice President, Emily V. was elected Secretary and Kaylee D. was elected Press Reporter. Once the elections were finished, we were split into groups of three to discuss the “DO’S and DON’TS” of judging. Moving on, we were split into two groups, one group identified seeds while the other group judged apple pie. After that, we worked as a club and associated the right seed with the right name. We finished the meeting by enjoying a piece of pie with a scoop of ice cream while leader Dan gave us the official order and reasons for judging the pie.