Community Food Share’s Fill-a-Bag food drive ready to roll


To help fulfill its vision that no person or family in our community goes hungry, Community Food Share is heading for its biggest food drive of the year with the Fill-a-Bag campaign.

Organizers are hoping to collect enough food to help the food bank through the summer months and into the fall. Volunteer drivers and their teams are lined up for routes in communities in Dundas and Stormont counties. 

On Saturday, May 4, reusable grocery bags will be delivered by teams of drivers and volunteers to most households in the villages in Dundas and Stormont Counties. Due to previous commitments, some bags might be delivered over that weekend. The following Saturday, May 11, those same teams will return between 1 and 3 pm to pick up the bags – hopefully filled with non-perishable food for the CFS food banks.

As in the past, Community Food Share is hoping for donations of canned and dry goods – no glass bottles please, for safety reasons – with emphasis on canned fruit, cereals, baking supplies and almost any non-perishable items you can imagine. We urge you to check the shopping list attached to your bag. Thanks to a generous donation from Feed Ontario, we have ample supplies of pasta products. 

The Fill-a-Bag food drive will be the major event that stocks the food bank shelves helping to fulfill our vision that no person or family in our community goes hungry.

If you can offer your services for a couple of hours on those two Saturdays, either as a driver or a person who will deliver the bags to each home, we would like to hear from you. Please call our team leader Jane Schoones at 613 898-0781 or leave a message at either of our CFS food banks in Morrisburg and Winchester. 

We are unable to deliver to apartments or seniors’ buildings; however, those residents are invited to purchase a pre-made bag at a local grocery store.  Those bags will be counted in the Fill-a-Bag numbers the week of May 4 – 11.  You are also welcome to send a monetary donation indicating that it is for the Fill-a-Bag 2024 campaign.