Q&A with Cyndy and Sarah TFSAs

By Cyndy Batchelor, BCom Financial Advisor & Partner O’Farrell Financial Services If you have managed to save some money over the past year and want...

Legislation to protect victims’ families reintroduced

Senator Pierre-Hugues Boisvenu (La Salle, Québec) and Member of Parliament Eric Duncan (Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry) simultaneously tabled Private Members Bills in the House of Commons...

Know the 1 10 1 Rule

On February 18, Ontario Provincial Police's East Region Snowmobile, ATV and Vessel Enforcement (SAVE) Unit alongside Smith Falls Police and other emergency services attended...

Queen’s Park Update

The vaccination team is working long hours to administer the vaccines as quickly as they receive them from the Federal Government. As of EOHU...

Keep blood pressure under control

Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “You must do the things you think you cannot do.” Avoiding disease may be the gift of lucky genetics, but...

Thinning ice conditions and fishing huts

The provincial deadline to remove ice fishing huts from waterbodies in our region is March 15, but South Nation Conservation (SNC) is pouring a...

Female networking group offers business support and connection

There is a small but mighty networking group in Eastern Ontario, with the focus of empowering female entrepreneurs in the region. Eastern Ontario Women...

Zoning changes considered at Public meeting

The Township of North Dundas held a Public Meeting at the Joel Steele Community Centre on February 23 to consider two zoning by-law amendments....

Bread and Roses

As we go marching, marching In the beauty of the day A million darkened kitchens A thousand mill lofts grey Are touched with all the radiance That a sudden...

Special Meeting of Council

The North Dundas Council met in a Special Meeting on February 23 at the Joel Steele Community Centre, immediately following the Public Meeting. Khurram...