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What you should know about a silent heart attack

Lao Tzu, the Chinese philosopher, wrote that “Silence is a source of great strength.” Possibly sound advice in some situations. But for people who’ve...

School reopening delayed

As COVID-19 cases continue to rise at an alarming rate throughout the province, the Ontario government, in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of...

Walk on

Happy New Year and welcome to the first edition of the Times for 2021. To be honest, I wasn’t sure about wishing you a...

Mayor Fraser’s New Year greetings

Hello, and my best wishes to everyone for a more positive New Year. We have endured 10 months of an unimaginable situation. I am...

Waste Diversion in North Dundas

North Dundas is currently undertaking an Environmental Assessment of the Townships Waste Management Plan. This is being carried out under the Ontario Environmental Assessment...

Ontario expands “Support Local” Campaign after complaints

A new marketing campaign by the Ontario government, designed to "show your love for local by exploring new and creative ways to reconnect with...

Township of North Dundas Council Meeting

The North Dundas Council met for the final time in 2020 on December 15. Much of the business surrounded roads and water. The Council...

Province to consult with conservation authorities

We have recently reported on the strenuous objections put forward by conservation authorities across Ontario to the government’s recent piece of legislation, the Protect,...

Long Haulers – Covid-19 Support Group

One Covid-19 Long Haulers Support Group in Canada on Facebook currently has 10 500 members. Similar to the plight of many suffering around the...

Christmas 2020

by Laurie Hicks For the night before Christmas it was awfully dead, Nothing to do so we’d just gone to bed. The stockings were hung, of course...