Both sides now

Have you noticed that the world is becoming a little grumpy these days? A little tetchy, prone to irritation and hitting out? The whole...

Days of future past

It is always a strange thing to face up to a new year and write something to welcome the new in and usher the...

Dazed and confused

I wonder: has the world just gone mad, or was it always like this, but we didn’t notice? Whatever you think of the trucker...

Get Back

“The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there.” These wise words were written by L.P. Hartley in his novel, The Go-Between,...

Yesterday once more

And so we head into the last couple of weeks of 2021. Rather like 2020, we may be glad to see the back of...

Oxy literal morons

What a great time to be an employee right now. So much leverage, so many options, and still too few employers who have a...

Peace will come

There was a really strange coincidence on Friday. As police moved against the protestors in Ottawa, I spent the day watching people being interviewed...

Night and dusk

Isn’t it fascinating how big of a difference in community quality and spirit a local government can make? This month officially marks one year...

Beware of darkness

I’m not sure if people were always this simplistic, or is it the result of too much Facebook and Twitter and other “platforms” that...

Standing on the shoulders of others

I grew up on a farm where my mother raised six children on her own, including four girls who grew up to become very...