The Weather with Connor

Hello, everyone! Welcome back to another week of The Weather with Connor. This week, I thought I'd do more of a longer range forecast...

Darkness, Light, and the Canada Columbine

by Philip Fry Darkness has once again spread over our Province. With 16.8 percent of eligible voters claiming a majority government, the illusions we might...

Energy:The Transition to Electricity

by Philip Fry The Provincial Government has stitched many of the threads that bind the three layers of our landscape quilt together. Complementing our access...

Greening Green Energy

by Philip Fry After weeks of little response, I have been overwhelmed with informative and encouraging messages, some brief and focused, others full of exciting...

Our Wetlands and Biodiversity

by Philip Fry In the midst of the horrible news from Ukraine, the latest report from the International Panel on Climate Change, “Climate Change 2022,...

SNC is fighting the spread of the invasive European Water Chestnut

submitted by SNC South Nation Conservation (SNC) is working to combat a fast-spreading invasive aquatic plant called the European Water Chestnut which was first discovered...

A major obstacle to Greening our Municipality

by Philip Fry During recent weeks, my plan to discuss wildflower gardening as a means of reducing the impact of  CO2 emissions on our “quilted”...

Claude’s Gardening and Landscaping Forum

featuring Claude Smith Dear Claude,  My roses lose their leaves after blooming - what am I doing wrong? From Sandy The first thing that comes to mind is...

The Weather with Connor

featuring Connor Mockett Hello, everyone! Welcome back to another week of The Weather with Connor. This week, I’d like to talk about what I’m currently...

The Weather with Connor

Featuring Connor Mockett Hello, everyone! Welcome to this week's “The Weather with Connor” column. This time, I thought I’d switch it up a little bit....