Just a few ruffled feathers

As I looked out of our front window and was thinking about what I should talk to you about this week. A circling Turkey...

A Leap Year early surprise

Confucius reigns both in our world and that of the birds methinks! With the temperatures being all over the place in this, the early...

Resident garden birds in autumn colours

On a late evening effort to record some of our resident garden bird happenings, as October draws to a close and the beautiful autumnal...

A Real Head Scratcher!

I've had quite the dilemma this week as to which bird is which! There are times when this happens and it drives me to...

Baldwin’s Birds

With all our recent hot weather the birds, who we don't normally associate with it, take to the water! Obviously they don't completely submerge...

Masters of Camouflage! How many Mourning Doves in this picture?

Having got a mixed bag of weather this past week, I was left wondering how I was going to get anything to say about...

A change of feathers

As well as a "hacking cough" this week, I have had my computer "hacked" too, so I am writing this courtesy of one of...

Baldwin’s Birds

by John Baldwin Our Garden Birds, Early On A Cold Sunlit December Day I awoke and arose, at the "crack of", - just after eight, And made...

Baldwin’s Birds Non Web‑footed Birds in, and near water

by John Baldwin Hope all is well with you all now that things are looking brighter on the pandemic front and everyone is striving to...

A Song Sparrow’s song in a Flicker of the eye

Well, it looks like the Spring sun is starting to emerge on a more regular basis, as do the sightings of some of our...