A children’s book from local artist


Someone who is well known around the community is local artist and active citizen, Marguerite (Maggie) Boyer. Maggie, who also co-owns this newspaper, has now written, illustrated and produced a new book for children, The Farmer’s Daughter. Although it may seem rather a biased opinion, since she has such a connection to this paper and the writer of this article, it is still fair to say that the book is a beautiful and clever story, perfectly suited for parents to read to their young kids.

It is about a little girl with a “huge imagination”, which allows her to see the world around her in ways that the rest of us might envy. It is also a story about co-operation, working together to protect the natural world, the value of friendship and caring.

Take a look and buy a copy for friends, children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, or even average grandchildren! Copies are available at the B&H Grocer, at the reasonable price of just $15. Proceeds will go to a woman’s shelter.