CDSBEO Strategic Plan Update


Superintendents of School Effectiveness Brent Bovaird, Norma McDonald, and Tracy O’Brien presented an update on the CDSBEO Multi-Year Strategic Plan. The Plan serves as a roadmap for achieving the Board’s strategic priorities, which are anchored by four key principles: believing, protecting, learning, and nurturing. These principles guide the daily work within CDSBEO schools and administrative offices.

Examples of the Board’s many engaging and robust opportunities for student learning were highlighted, along with examples of activities, events, faith-based celebrations, essential community partnerships, and achievements related to program and curriculum delivery. This work aligns and fulfills the priorities outlined in the Plan and provides tangible evidence of how CDSBEO schools are safe, welcoming, and inclusive environments where faith, equity, and the Catholic Social Teachings are embedded in all that we do.

Director of Education Laurie Corrigan also presented information to Trustees regarding a proposed process and consultation timelines for developing the new 2025-2030 CDSBEO Multi-Year Strategic Plan. The process will involve a synodal consultation to collect input from staff working groups and plenary discussions. These discussions will form the basis for phase two of consultations, which includes collecting input from many stakeholder groups. Trustees approved a motion to strike a committee to guide this work.

“Tonight’s presentation was truly exceptional, and we have witnessed the many examples of how the Board’s strategic priorities come to life within our school communities. Thank you for putting together this remarkable presentation,” concluded Chair Wilson.

To view the presentation video, please visit: CDSBEO Strategic Plan Update