South Mountain Lodge donates to Easter Seals Campaign


submitted by Richard Pickard

On Sunday, February 4th, 2024 at the Easter Seals Campaign held at the Kemptville Snowmobile Klub, our Noble Grand Ron Derraugh presented a cheque for a $500.00 donation on behalf of South Mountain Lodge # 428.

(l-r): Ian McLaughan, Easter Seals District manager; Ron Derraugh, Noble Grand; Bruce Robinson, Kemptville Snowmobile Klub Volunteer.

We invited Victim Services of SD&G to our meeting to share information with us about their service. They are a non-profit organization dedicated to providing assistance to individuals who have been victimized as a result of a crime or tragic circumstance. Their agency works in partnership with police, emergency services, and other community-based organizations to ensure that victims receive the help they need for their personal path to recovery. 

As a result, we donated a cheque of $1,000.00 to their organization.