WDMH leading the way — Involving rural patients in clinical trials


by Jane Adams

Winchester District Memorial Hospital’s (WDMH) research program is growing quickly – supporting rural patients and putting a spotlight on our local hospital.

Here’s one example. WDMH is involved in a clinical trial focusing on a new potential medication for treating Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease – or COPD. Over the past several months, 30% of the Canadian patients taking part in this international study have been recruited right here in Winchester.

“Clinical trials are a key research tool for advancing medical knowledge and patient care,” explains Chief Research Officer Dr. Mohamed Gazarin. “For patients with COPD, this trial is looking at the first novel medication in many years. We know there are plenty of patients in our region who have COPD and could benefit from this important study.”

The WDMH research team is also leading the way in two international clinical trials, focusing on heart failure and COVID-19. In all, more than a dozen clinical trials are underway at WDMH on a wide range of medical conditions.

“Rural patients no longer need to travel for access to these investigational therapies and can access these treatments through participation in these clinical trials,” sums up Dr. Gazarin. “WDMH is committed to ensuing that rural patients are part of these studies and benefit from the knowledge gained.”

For more information about the clinical trials underway at WDMH, please visit https://www.wdmh.on.ca/PatientInformationClinicalTrials or contact the research team at research@wdmh.on.ca.

If you would like to provide comments or suggestions about hospital services, please contact Cholly Boland, President and CEO, Winchester District Memorial Hospital at 613.774.1049 or by email at cboland@wdmh.on.ca.