North Dundas Pools Team


submitted by ND Pool Coordinator Delaney

Winchester Centennial Pool team: (top row) Seth – Junior Head Lifeguard and Swim Instructor, (bottom row left) Samantha – Lifeguard and Swim Instructor, Nakita – Head Lifeguard and Swim Instructor, William – Lifeguard and Swim Instructor, Curtis Lifeguard and Swim Instructor, and Kaiden – Lifeguard and Swim Instructor.

Chesterville Public Pool team: (back row left) Ainsley – Junior Head Lifeguard, Jada – Lifeguard and Swim Instructor, (middle row left) Ava – Lifeguard and Swim Instructor, Gavin – Lifeguard and Swim Instructor, (front row) Faith – Head Lifeguard and Swim Instructor.