Minister Parsa visits Naomi’s Family Resource Centre

left to right: MPP Nolan Quinn, MCCSS Program SupervisorTori MacLean , Naomi’s House Executive Director Renee Moores, Hon. Minister Parsa - Minister of Children, Community, and Social Services, Naomi’s House Shelter Manager Justine White, and OPP SSgt Sergeant Derek McLenaghan, OPP SDG.

submitted by: Naomi’s Family Resource Centre

On June 29, Naomi’s Family Resource Centre was delighted to host the Honourable Minister Parsa, Minister of Children, Community and Social Services in a meeting and tour to highlight its programs and services with MPP Nolan Quinn and service delivery partner, OPP Staff Sergeant McLenaghan, OPP SDG.

During his visit, Minister Parsa took the opportunity to listen with intent and took great care to further his understanding on the current issues that impact women with or without dependents who require emergency intimate partner violence shelter services.  

“Naomi’s is grateful to have our Minister prioritize vulnerable women and dependents in our rural community.  In a very sincere way, it validates women, who through no fault of their own, are left in an unfortunate circumstance and require our services.  It also affirms the good work of the volunteer Board of Directors and staff at Naomi’s House and acknowledges that our focused efforts remain important”, added Renee Moores, Executive Director at Naomi’s.

Naomi’s Family Resource Centre is a 9 bed, rural emergency shelter for women with or without dependents and is funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services and through the generous donations of our rural community.

If you or someone you know needs support or services, please call us 24/7 at 613.774.2838 or email