Dairy Club meeting 4


by Kaylee Daines

On July 7th, Dundas County had their fourth meeting at the Chambers Farm at 7:00 PM. Our President Taylor M started the meeting off with the 4H pledge, then asked for the minutes of the last meeting and roll call, with the roll call question being: “Are you going to Avonmore?”

She continued by handing the meeting over to the leaders. Leader Kelly talked to us about a judging night that subsequently took place on July 23, and discussed upcoming events. We all then played a game Chloe made before the leaders handed out a general knowledge quiz for us to complete that helped us prepare for judging night. 

Next, we moved into the barn to be split into two groups to judge. Group 1 began with judging a class of milking second lactation dairy cows, and Group 2 started with a class of spring heifer calves. Once we finished and everyone gave a leader their reasons, we went back outside for the officials and continued by taking up the general knowledge quiz. After getting back the correct answers, Taylor adjourned the meeting at 9:30 PM, and we enjoyed a snack of mini doughnuts, cookies and kool-aid.