Re-dedication of Morewood Cenotaph postponed


    The Morewood Cenotaph Committee (MCC) wishes to announce the re-dedication of the Morewood Cenotaph scheduled for 6:30 p.m., Friday September 10, 2021, has been cancelled and tentatively re-scheduled for Wednesday July 6, 2022.

    The Morewood Cenotaph Committee feels strongly that all area residents and visitors deserve the opportunity to attend and participate safely in this historic event and attendance should not be restricted to only those in an official capacity able to attend.

    At this time the decision to re-schedule the event was due to the uncertainty surrounding the recent “upswing” in cases of COVID-19 with many of these caused by the Delta variant.

    Several factors were considered in making this difficult decision, which include reluctance on the part of some residents and visitors to attend, local officials advising on the need for caution when planning a community event such as this and some participants in the commemorative event notifying the committee they have been advised not to attend.

    As well there is uncertainty regarding what rules will be in place for outdoor events, including the size of groups able to gather for outdoor events in September and personal health considerations.


    Bill Smirle,

    Chairman, Morewood Cenotaph Committee



    For more information or comments please contact:

    Bill Smirle, Chairman, Morewood Cenotaph Committee

    Home Phone: 613-448-1636; Cell Phone: 613-806-3169; Email: