Mid November birds after Halloween

Mourning Dove Trio

Here we are halfway through November still wondering what is going on with our weather! The birds too seem equally puzzled, as flocks of Canada Geese are still commuting to and fro’ from The Rideau River to their favourite spots on Kemptville Creek, just down the road. Their vee formations seem to have grown somewhat, as some of the later birds come in from the north to join them. They are something to behold, aren’t they, as they make their way across the sky? Let’s hope that they don’t get caught out if the weather does decide to take a sudden turn for the worse. Fingers crossed and all that good stuff!

A Halloween Crow – not!

Talking of that, a friend of ours was looking out of our window at the birds, and spotted our Halloween pumpkin sitting on the ground, where we had put it for the birds and animals to eat the seeds out of it. Of course there weren’t any seeds left in it, having sat there for a couple of weeks now, but she decided that it would be a good idea to restock it with more seed, which she immediately did, in the hopes that the birds would then continue feeding from it. Being a cold day with the water in the bird bath frozen, she decided to place the pumpkin there, so that we could watch the birds feeding from it more easily. Also, in her mind, was the fact that its brilliant orange colour would make a super “backdrop” for some of my bird pictures. It has attracted some attention, as can be seen from a couple of my pictures, but I haven’t got one yet of a bird actually sitting in it to feed, so I’ll have to remain patient and wait for the right opportunity.

White Breasted Nuthatch and Cardinal

Waiting for that opportunity gave me the chance to get my other picture of a busy White Breasted Nuthatch, seeking peanuts from beneath a feeder, where sat an unknowing Male Cardinal.

I hope that you too, are still getting lovely avian surprises at your own feeders. Stay safe and well.


John Baldwin