by Clara Edwardson
On May 18, the Canadian Club of Morrisburg and District met at the Royal Canadian Legion in Morrisburg for the final meeting of the 2021/2022 season. Attendees were welcomed by Celeste and Bob Weagant. At 7 pm, the Head Table was piped in by local piper Hugh Metcalfe.
President Steve Caza opened the meeting. After Grace was offered by Muriel Carruthers, those present enjoyed a wonderful roast beef dinner, catered by the Ladies of the Morrisburg Legion.
The guest entertainer Marleen Fawcett was introduced by Vice president Anne Caza. Marleen is an amazing entertainer/singer/songwriter, and interacts with her audience during the evening. Her resemblance to Anne Murray, plus their similar voices, certainly highlighted those songs. She is recognized internationally, and is an audience pleaser. Her choice of the “Twist”, and oldie “The Tennessee Waltz”, brought strong applause by the audience. Marleen also acknowledged herself as an avid tennis fan.
Clara Edwardson thanked Marleen, and mentioned how fortunate we are to have such amazing talent in our county.
Doug Grenkie made the two draws – the large Canadian Flag, won by Dr. Gerry Rosenquist, and the jewelry gifted by Pommier Jewellers, was won by Muriel Carruthers, who had had a recent winning ticket and so offered it back for redraw. It was then won by Huguette Burns.
Eleanor Allison then accompanied the singing of “O Canada”. President Steve Caza thanked everyone for coming and closed the meeting.
The list of speakers for the 2022/2023 season:
September 21, 2022: Dr Garry Willard – Surgeon, Canadian Doctor, served in Vietnam War, has written a book, “Into the Jaws of the Dragon”.
October 19, 2022: Maggie Wheeler;
November 16,2022: David Ross, CEO of Ross Video;
March 15, 2023: Senator Bernadette Clement;
April 19, 2023: Cholly Boland, CEO of WDMH;
May 17, 2023: John Foster, Canada, Oil, and World Politics.