Bunch of People Sing it!


submitted by Amanda Burger

A Bunch of People are at it again! This time they are inviting everyone to Sing it! No need to have experience or to sing well. All that matters is that you like to sing, want to help raise money for charity and have a good time!

This will be ABOP’s 2nd “Sing it!” Event which will be held Saturday, July 23, 2022, in Chesterville. In 2019, during their inaugural “Sing it!” Event, the participants learned and performed “We Will Rock You” and ‘We Are the Champions” by Queen, in four (4) part harmony. So, what will the song be this year?

“We had a pretty long discussion on what the song would be and our Sing it! team decided on “Because the Night” by Patti Smith,” Amanda said enthusiastically. “We couldn’t do this without our team of Margaret Whisselle, Kayla Droppo and Elizabeth Barton. I am just the organizer,” Amanda said, “they are the ones who will be teaching each section their part and putting it all together for the video recording”.

The video is filmed at the end of the day, when we have put all the sections together and the whole group is performing the song. It is then released on social media so participants can share it with their friends and families.

How will this raise funds?

Everyone who wishes to sing are invited to attend starting at 9:30 am on Saturday, July 23, 2022 at Christ Church United in Chesterville (5 Casselman St.). We ask for a $10 donation to participate, but we will not turn anyone away for lack of money,” Amanda clarified.

Each year, profits from ABOP are donated to House of Lazarus (HOL) at Christmas Time.

This is how the day will unfold:

July 23, 2022.

Sing It! Cost: $10 donation

9:30-10:00 am Registration

10:00-12:00 pm -Divide into sections and start singing. 12:00-1:00 pm Lunch (You can buy your lunch at one of the many options in town, but feel free to brown bag it too.)

1:00-2:00 pm All Sections come together and Sing it! 2:00-3:00 pm Video Record it for fun!

For more information email: abunchofpeopleartsandevents@gmail.com or visit: https://abunchofpeopleartsandevents.business.site/

A Bunch of People Arts and Events is a not-for-profit organization comprised of various enthusiastic people, who create random artistic and other events to raise money for charity in S, D & G. What is better than having a good time? Knowing the profits from what you enjoyed are going to help the community!

Media Contact:, (613) 346-5064: abunchofpeopleartsandevents@gmail.com https://abunchofpeopleartsandevents.business.site/