A Level Headed Nuthatch and a Finch Feed!

Baldwin's Birds


What a boon my common type hanging feeders and also the Birdie Block ones are, for actually getting clear views of all the birds that use and enjoy them. They are able to feed out in the open, with a clear view around themselves, which is essential to them all, as protection against would-be predators, such as Hawks, and other such birds that prey on them! Of course, whilst they are comfortably feeding safely, they become the focus of not just the eye of the beholder, but also that of your cameras! Many of you already know this fact and are probably enjoying the results of your own patient observations of our avian friends. I have taken the liberty of including some of our regular visitors, hence the cryptic title to my article.

The Level Headed Nuthatch refers to the un-natural pose this particular one was making, as it fed using a “normal” posture instead of its usual upside down one. Whichever posture that it cares to use, it is still a very striking bird to look at and its distinctive little call that it makes when negotiating the trunks and branches of the trees makes it a very outstanding and exciting bird to see.

The picture of the Finches shows how the birds cohabitate with each other, in a non adversary fashion, whilst feeding together, and the two House Finches get on well with the Goldfinch. They are so used to each other that they almost look bored!

Well I don’t want to be tarred with that same brush, so I’ll bring my article to a close. Until the next time, stay safe and well.

John Baldwin