Patience is a virtue!

Baldwin’s Birds

Canada Geese in the Autumn Sun

Yesterday, being so excited about the continuation of our summer until such a late date in October, I felt that I just had to get out and enjoy it somehow. Well, having taken a trip out the day before with sports car friends to see the Autumnal colours, I was about to put my thinking cap on, when a familiar sound filled the air, that of honking Canada Geese. That’s it, I thought, I’ll go and get some pictures of them as they land and take-off from the creek at the end of the road. So off I trot, well not really, I got in my car and drove it to the end of the road to use as a “hide”, should I want  to sit out of the cold even though it was quite sunny. My initial enthusiasm was dampened, when I tried to get a couple of pictures of a pair of geese, as they came into land. The foliage surrounding the creek at that location was going to be a problem so, once again, on with the “thinking cap” as to where to next! First thoughts were to the Rideau River, but where the boat launch is that I usually try, I knew that the geese wouldn’t be there. I was right of course, but the scenic views were superb and a couple of fishermen in a boat made up a little for the lack of birds! However, I was determined not to give up so once again headed back towards the Kemptville Creek.

About to take off – No chance!

The day before, in my sports car, I had ventured back through Oxford Mills and then cut across towards home, by using the road that crosses the railway line and also the Creek, where it forms quite a large pond area where the geese might gather. Well, for a change, I was correct and there were quite a few of them present, so I was in luck, or so I thought! No birds came and landed, and those already resting on the water weren’t looking like they were going anywhere in the near future, but one never knows! Well, I parked my car off the road and found a good sitting down water viewing point, on one of the road barriers – 8”x 8” or 10”x10” support posts – and hunkered down for what I hoped would be for just a short while. That was the hope anyway, but the birds had other ideas. No newcomers arrived and none of them departed the whole three hours that I waited in anticipation of that event happening. They would all, teasingly, form into a large group, and my hopes would rise that this was it, but no, they would slowly disperse in their little groups and the start of another wait began!

A Bluejay dropped in late in the day

Fortunately, I am an enthusiastic Train Buff, so I did get an opportunity to see a couple of trains pass over the “Level Crossing” to break my bird sojourn! It made a change from hearing the vehicles rattle past behind me for the rest of the time. Sadly, there were no other sightings of any other types of birds in that vicinity for the whole time I was there, except for a lone Bluejay!

Well after over three hours of perseverance and no sign of Canada Geese action, I reluctantly decided to “call it quits”, besides, my rear end wasn’t feeling so comfortable with such a long relationship with the wooden posts! So, a little bit crestfallen, I departed from my watching position and resolved to try again another day, but maybe not this year unless this lovely weather continues. I hope that you are getting better luck than me in your bird watching activities, but please don’t give up, all these little setbacks are just that, and you will very soon get something special happening in your bird watching life. Stay safe and well.


John Baldwin